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    See It, Dream It, Believe It! It's Your Time!

    As we celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was reflecting on the infamous "I Have A Dream Speech". It is so important to turn your dreams into reality. Dreams are the way God shows us our destiny and purpose in this world.

    It hurts my soul when I see or meet people with dreams deferred and something that is spoken about in abstract but never experienced or lived out in real life. If you have a dream walk it out. Day by day, month by month, year by year. Whatever has been planted in your heart grow it...come what may! When I was homeless and in high school I had a dream that I would one day become a college graduate. I could feel it, I could see it, and I could taste it. And day by day, and month by month I did everything in my power to make that dream a reality. When I graduated from college (Northeastern & Harvard) I was not surprised, I dreamed that day into existence. What dreams do you have and how committed are you to getting there? Did you know that your dreams don't just benefit you but they also benefit those around you. Today, me and my family have the freedom and liberty to benefit from a dream Dr. King had before I was born and because he dared to walk out his dream, my children are free to walk out their dreams.

    I achieved all of the dreams I had growing up and now I'm learning how to dream new dreams and doing everything I can to help others achieve their dreams. If you have a dream that hasn't happened yet stay encouraged that at the right place, at the right time, it is going to happen because it will. Someone has to live life to the fullest! Why not you! If not me then who? If not now then when? I'm cheering for you!

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